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Saturday, October 8, 2011

halloween decorations

i think this is the only week you'll hear me say that i wish it was colder in wisconsin.  i really want to get a jump start on all of these jack o lantern ideas i have, but it's too hot outside to put pumpkins out!

seriously so glam.  that's what i'm going for this year!

and fingers crossed david will let me make these ones:

Sunday, October 2, 2011

thanks kohls!

we didn't let the rain ruin our day at six flags last weekend.  we drove down with the thorsteads to enjoy kohls friends and family day.  i'm pretty sure the rain scared lots of people off, luckily for us that meant an empty theme park and getting to walk on every ride we wanted without waiting longer than 20 minutes.

after a few out takes we finally got a decent pic that makes us look like we're actually friends.  (taken while richard was being arrested for bringing a weapon (swiss army knife) into the park)

 jenna and i were twins!  got to love marmot rain jackets.

 richard and jenna waiting in one of the only lines we had.

 david and i clearly on an adrenaline rush!  (don't mind my roller coaster hair)

when it was raining so hard they had to shut down the rides we headed over to sweet tomatoes!!  so good.

 do you think we got enough food?  nothing like riding a bunch of roller coasters on a stomach full of buffet.

 love it!

i think that 3rd bowl of soup did me in!

we had such a fun time.  all the david and richard could talk about was getting a pass... still thinking about it.