here are my nutcrackers. i just love them. always have. if was blog savvy i would have dance of the sugarplum fairies playing right now.
this is my old world christmas ornament for 2010. it's the camel from their nativity collection. the wisemen are amzazing... i'm holding off on buying the holy family ornament. their version is kind of weird--let's hope they make a good one before i run out of filler ornaments.
the doctor ornament is the one i am most proud of finding. i've been searching everywhere for the past year and i finally found a decent one that matches my style.
this is our "our first home" ornament. i am definitely my mother's daughter. an ornament is necessary for every life event. including's the tree! the skirt isn't how i had imagined it, but it will do until next year.
this is the stocking i made for myself this year.
and this is david's. (i'm not sure why this one is so blurry... my camera's drunk. so is my ipod, but that's another story)
and here is our "mantel." if you don't have a fireplace, where do you hang your stockings?
p.s. apparently there is first christmas in wisconsin. it's called "st nick" and i think it's this weekend. all i know is you put your shoes out and st nick brings you a present. so i'll be busy lining all of my shoes up tonight.