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Sunday, March 18, 2012

it was our 4th anniversary!

this post is for my mom... she told me she was bored with my blog.  lol.

for our 4th anniversary david was able to get a night off work and we went out to our now wisconsin anniversary restaurant, mr. b's.  as always the food was delicious and it was definitely a nice change of pace to be eating together at a normal dinner time!

(and yes, i'm a jacket repeater... i love this jacket david got me for valentines' day)

we exchanged linen/floral gifts to keep with the year's theme.

in other news, i've been trying to cook more.  my goal is 6 dinners a week.  last week was a success.  i'll be posting the recipes that turned out delicious on my recipe blog, so maybe you'll get a little more blogging action from me.

1 comment:

stephanie said...

fun. and cute jacket. wow...6 dinners last week! that is impressive...please post your recipes for me! even though i am sure they are to complicated for me to make. you guys look cute and your baby shower was super cute. and i like to read your blog too...not just your mom!