* http://davidhorvitz.com/if/index.html
this website is particularly awesome. this guy posts things you can pay him to do. some are like a dollar and some are like 5thousand. it's great and creative and in a decade or so, i will come up with a great list and make my own website. enjoy.
(example sample follows)

* http://freerice.com/
this website has been around for a while, but it's still fun and a good waste of time, since you're really doing humanitarian service. also, since costco has limited the amount of rice you can buy to 80lbs at a time, i figured this is a great way to enrage the rice limiters. so go donate some rice and improve your vocab. i'm not going to brag, but the husband and i have probably set the all time high record score. let me know what you get... we probably did better.
enjoy wasting sometime today.